Setting Effective Weight Loss Goals


When beginning a weight loss journey, it is important to set measurable and attainable goals. Setting goals helps to motivate yourself, keep track of your progress, and identify your results as they appear. 

Many people make a simple mistake when it comes to writing goals. Often, people just say, “My goal is to lose weight,” and do not think it’s necessary to specify further. Here are three guidelines to follow when making your weight loss goals. 

  1. Be specific. Instead of just saying that your goal is, “Lose weight,” try shooting for a specific BMI or body measurement. A good way to find this number is to use the BMI calculator on our website to check the average healthy weight for someone of your height. You could also buy a pair of “goal pants” and work towards fitting into them. Whatever it is, make sure it will be obvious when you achieve your goal. Having a specific goal to aim for can increase motivation and help to push yourself farther than losing just a few pounds. 

  2. Look beyond the scale. Weight loss journeys aren’t just about the number on the scale, though that is a way to measure your progress. In addition, it is about learning new, healthier lifestyle habits. Try setting a goal to do something new, like cooking a healthy meal at least three times a week, meditating for five minutes every morning, or completing a 5k by the end of the year. These goals are specific to each person and the ways he or she wants to improve his or her lifestyle and habits. These can be fitness, food, or mindset related. Again, be specific! "Run more” is not a goal that can be measured or accomplished (you can always run more than you currently are running).

  3. Track your progress. As you progress in your weight loss journey, you will be able to see the changes in your body, but it is also helpful to track milestones. Celebrating (or at least acknowledging to yourself) when you lose another ten pounds, add more weight to your gym routine, or run farther than before is important and can be the thing that motivates you to get up and go to the gym in the morning. Many patients find that keep track of milestones in their journey pushes them to continue improving themselves. 

As with any daunting task, goal-setting in weight loss is vital. Of course, your health can change, and your goals can change over time if needed. In general, setting goals has shown to increase motivation in those attempting major weight loss, and hopefully these tips will help you if you are at the starting line of your journey. 


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