7 Healthy Hacks for If You Work at a Desk


More than ever, those of us with desk jobs are struggling to stay healthy while working. Remaining seated for a significant portion of the day can lead to health problems long-term if you don’t properly care for your body. In addition, you do not get much exercise while seated. While working from home, there are even less opportunities for movement, because you no longer have your commute, the walk up the stairs, or the trips to the break room. We have compiled a list of easy health hacks that you can start implementing that will help your body in the long run!

1. Take phone calls on a walk.

We all have phone calls scheduled during the day. If you are able, take the longer phone calls on a walk with you. Studies show that physical activity can sharpen your mind, and it will keep  you active and bring you some new scenery besides your desktop background. 

2. Switch coffee for herbal tea.

Not only is herbal tea better for you, but it also gives you the opportunity to get up and make the tea. Try to remain standing while brewing your tea, it will help you and get more steps in!

3. Park farther away, take the stairs.

Instead of making time to exercise during the workday, try parking farther from the office and taking the stairs up and down. In the long run this will be a great habit to also implement at the grocery store and any other parking lots. 

4. Go on a walk after lunch.

Instead of taking an hour for lunch, eat during the first thirty minutes, and go for a walk for the second thirty minutes. You will feel much better and will get your endorphins flowing for the second half of the workday. In addition, this will help fight off the post-lunch slump and fatigue that many experience! Sometimes taking a co-worker along on this walk makes it more enjoyable, and adds a level of accountability and consistency. 

5. Stretch at your desk periodically.

You don’t have to break out into a yoga class at your cubicle, but doing some small stretches while at your desk will help wake up your body. Some stretches can even improve your posture!

6. Look around the office or out the window.

Many people who work their whole day in front of a computer experience eye strain over the years. Take a break every hour or so to look off into the distance or out a window. This will help you eyes immensely in the long run, and help to break up your day. 

7. Take 5 minute breaks to walk around, get water, etc.

Do not forget about small errands! If you are feeling sluggish, take a few minutes to walk around the office, visit a co-worker, or top off your bottle of water. Use every opportunity you have to get out of your chair and get some more steps in. 

Hopefully you will be able to implement these tips, whether you are at home or at the office. A desk job does not mean that you have to be seated for 8+ hours in a row! There are plenty of healthy and fit people who occupy these positions, and if they can do it, we all can!


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